Yeng Ming Lam
Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering
President’s Chair in Materials Science and Engineering
Director, Facility for Analysis, Characterisation, Testing and Simulation (FACTS)
Email: ymlam@ntu.edu.sg
Prof Yeng Ming LAM received her Bachelor in Applied Science with honours (Materials Engineering) from Nanyang Technological University, NTU, in 1996. After a stint in Texas Instruments as a development engineer, she went on to read her PhD in Materials Science and Metallurgy in University of Cambridge, UK. She joined NTU as an Assistant Professor in 2001. She is currently a Professor and the Chair of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, NTU. She is also the Director of the Facility for Analysis, Characterization, Testing and Simulations (FACTS), a University facility for electron microscopy and x-ray analysis. Prof Lam’s research focuses on the design of functional nanostructured materials for a sustainable future and this leads to applications in a wide range of fields from energy to food security. She is also the Founder for FytoSol Pte Ltd that is dedicated to deliver solutions to horticulture and agriculture needs. She sits on the governing board for International Symposium for Polymer Analysis and Characterization (ISPAC) and the National committee on Measurement and characterisation. She held a concurrent Senior Scientist position in RWTH University in Aachen, Germany, between 2011 and 2014 and a concurrent Senior Scientist position in IMRE, A*Star, from 2010-2011. She has more than 150 refereed publications and numerous patents, some of which are licensed to companies in US and Singapore. She was awarded the Nanyang Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2006 and the inaugural L’Oréal Unesco For Women in Science National Fellowship and the Nanyang Outstanding Young Alumni Award in 2009.